
February 10, 2011

The Show Must Go On: Larry Karisny Partakes and Presents at Smart Grid Summit in Miami


As TMC Smart Grid Contributor and founder of Intelligent Communications Partners, Jon Arnold (News - Alert), recapped from the recent Smart Grid Summit, “Leading the cybersecurity session was all-around good guy Larry Karisny of WirelessWall, along with speakers Tony Flick of FYRM Associates and Christopher Gorog of Atmel (News - Alert) Corp. Karisny has a strong background in this space, and cited extensive sources to document the threats, all of which were reinforced by Flick and Gorog’s technical expertise.”

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Karisny began his presentation, “How to Build Security with Intelligence,” and quoted a number of Smart Grid industry leaders including Vint Serf, the “Godfather of the Internet,” as well as Kim Zetter and Bob Lockhart, to name a few. Karisny from that point on took the Smart Grid Summit by storm, a highlighted speaker and moderator displaying his extensive knowledge of the smart grid industry.

Keeping newcomers to the Summit and fresh faces to the industry in mind, Karisny simplified the understanding of smart grid as a lot of networks, or a bunch of small clouds that are connected; however, this needs to be done on a layer basis. “Smart Grid is not your typical telco network; it is much more complex,” Karisny said.

As TMC’s (News - Alert) onsite editor, Stefanie Mosca, reported live from the show, all in all, Karisny left the audience with a number of suggestions on how to tackle smart grid security issues as they come, as well as offered proactive advice in targeting the security problems before they actually begin. Karisny highlighted that it is important to address the most crucial security issues first and using high-end, yet simple security solutions to do so.

Karisny admitted recently in an article that “To get the most out of an industry convention summit, be a moderator, speaker and audience participant. I had that opportunity at the Smart-Grid Summit in Miami Beach last week. While stranded visitors from the north enjoyed highs of 81 in Miami Beach, the summit proved to be one of the most informative smart-grid discussions ever.” And as Jon Arnold recognized, Karisny was all three – moderator, speaker and audience – helping to execute the Summit with so many stranded participants.

With all present parties pulling together, discussion such as building a strong grid foundation; power transmission and distribution; the growing voice of the customer; smart home killer apps, rural smart-grid opportunities, electric vehicles and public vs. private smart-grid networks continued with immense success.

Jaclyn Allard is a TMCnet copy editor. She most recently worked on the production team at Juran Institute, a quality consulting firm producing its own training and marketing materials. Previously, she interned at Curbstone Press, a nonprofit publishing press in Willimantic, CT, and fulfilled the role of Editor-in-Chief for the literature and arts journal published by the University of Connecticut. To read more of her articles, please visit her columnist page.

Edited by Jaclyn Allard

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